Things She Said (TAB) Toy Matinee Tuning: DGDGAD As explained by Kevin Gilbert and Mark Bonnita on the Mark and Brian Radio Show. 1 - 000400 2 - 003300 3 - x01010 4 - x55363 3 - 555555 4 - x53333 6 - x33333 7 - 355000 ten barre ? 8 - 133000 9 - x55555 things she said x33353 things 353533 said 575755 left 777777 797977 x45450 x55565 575555 x22252 x22242 333333 555555 005400 888888 ten barre 005400 heart of diamonds x33337 x55555 Grey is not the color I expected On someone who is often touched by grace The eyes that hold the promise of perfection Will find the flaw that no one can erase And though she hears the rumours of intention And many times I've failed to hide my stare She will not breach a hint of indecision She will not ever bend to show her care Chorus: Things she said Every other daystore promise Things she said would leave me wanting Run to her then run from other Things she said Broke me down and left me shattered Hard as diamonds... It does not matter Won't remember the things she said Today I saw her face in all the papers A smile to empty out a lion's cage But notes that might remind her what that smile was for Are scribbled on a long-forgotten page Chorus The choice she never made The face she never saved The words she would not say The lives she threw away And the things she said So grey is not the color I expected On one who is so often touched by grace But always she's the spectre of uncertainty I first endure, then pity, then embrace Chorus Chorus