Last Plane Out (TAB) Toy Matinee Transcribed and listened out by John Morrell.june 2007 All corrections are more than welcome. This version is based on a live acoustic version I have featuring Bass, Bazouki, Guitar, and Vocals. It’s a mini masterclass in song writing. Enjoy. This version also works well with the Album version. When I figure out how to write better tabs I’ll post all the Bazouki /12 string parts. The small letters are the bass notes here’s the first verse intro. It’s all variations on this groove. Just listen to how it’s played. GG fg Bflat F/A ab CC a#bceeff# G G Greetings from Sodom f g Bflat F/A ( either x03211 or x07565 ) How we wish you were here a b C The weather's getting warmer a#bceeff# G G Now that the trees are all cleared There's no time for a conscience And we recognize no crime Yeah we got dogs and Valvoline It's a pretty damn good time Chorus: G/B Cm Bflat F Men of reason, not of rhyme A7/D# Dm Eflat Bflat Keep the spoils and share your crime Rpt: Goodman, Badman, lost without A hope for passage on the last plane out Here are the shapes for the chorus: G7/B x23033 or if you can stretch 753433 Cm 335543 Bflat 688766 F x87565 A7/D# x45055 or if you can stretch 975655 F x87565 Eflat x65343 Bflat 653333 There was one repressed do-gooder And a few who still believed Yes I think there were five good men here yesterday But they were asked to leave So we've kept the good old vices And laboured to invent a few With cake in vulgar surplus We can have it and eat it, too Chorus Men of reason, hide your face Walking backwards, plays his ace Goodman, Badman, lost without A hope for passage on the last plane out After the solo : G Dm7 C Here's a concept you can't dance to G F G An idea you cannot hum Dm7 Am7 There may not be an empty seat F When all is said and done ( gtr break in G) Dm7 C I'm not the guy who sings the hymns G F G No bleeding heart to mend Dm7 Am But I like the part where Icarus F Hijacks the little red hen G Cm Someone said the Big Man Bflat F/A ( x07565 ) May be joining us soon C But I never was the type to hang c e f f# G With the harbingers of doom G Cm And this party is addictive Bflat Am Self-destructive, no doubt F Bflat So I hope that someone saves a seat for me G On the last plane out Chorus